Identifying Login Credentials for your Elementary Student
How to Look Up the Student's Username, Password and Email in Skyward Family Access
Identifying Login Credentials for your Elementary Student [Submission]
This article provides instructions for how to access your elementary child's LISD password and username in Skyward Family Access. Passwords are not housed in Skyward Family Access for middle and high school students since they are asked to change them at the beginning of each school year.
Skyward Family Access can be access from this link. Please login using your username and password, and click on the Sign In button.

Click on the Portfolio tab in the left-hand menu. On the Portfolio - Attachments screen, you can click on the Student Username and Password link to locate your student's credentials.
If you would like to access your child’s LISD email, please complete the following steps.
- Make sure you select the appropriate student from the drop-down field at the top of the screen.
Click on the Student Info tab in the left-hand menu. This is your student’s information page.
Skyward uses the term “Other ID” to refer to the “Student ID.” This can be located on the Student Info tab under Gender and Language.
- On the top near school, your student’s email address is listed.
If you have additional children, start back on step one and use the drop-down field to select the another child.